EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 April
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso
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Text File
67 lines
Short: MIAMI Online/Offline from CLI/WB 2.0
Author: kennecni@idgOnline.no (Kenneth C. Nilsen)
Uploader: kennecni@idgOnline.no (Kenneth C. Nilsen)
Type: util/rexx
Replaces: util/rexx/MiamiOnOff.lha
Requires: Miami
version 2.0
Two arexx + two dos scripts to allow you go online or offline from CLI or WB
without having to start Miami first.
The scripts will give you online start time, your local IP address and your
Included two icons you can leave-out on the Workbench to start directly from
there (and stop).
Type 'Online' from CLI and the script will check if Miami is running. If not
it will start it, send the arexx command "Online" to Miami and the miami will
execute the procedure. If everything went ok, this script will hide Miami.
It will also tell your current IP address if you log your dialups.
Type 'Offline' from CLI and the script will check if Miami is running. If not
it will end and prompt user that he is not online. If Online the script will
send the arexx command "Offline" to Miami telling it to stop. If Miami can't
get offline, script will prompt user telling so.
Copy the files to equalient drawers as in this archive. Change the Online
script GetIP argument if you use Miami dialup log with other path (defaults
to t:IP).
You also have to edit the path to 'Miami' in the two arexx scripts:
Rexx:MiamiOnline.rexx - edit path to Miami program
Rexx:MiamiOffline.rexx - edit path to Miami program
E-mail author: kennecni@IDGonline.no
Kenneth C. Nilsen (kennecni@IDGonline.no) http://*** new comming up ***
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1736 1011 41.7% 15-Dec-96 15:40:44 +GetIP
208 208 0.0% 15-Dec-96 12:19:02 +WaitForPort
659 378 42.6% 15-Dec-96 15:44:44 +MiamiOffline.rexx
431 278 35.4% 15-Dec-96 15:44:44 +MiamiOnline.rexx
26 26 0.0% 15-Dec-96 15:44:52 +Offline
3974 1024 74.2% 15-Dec-96 15:44:50 +Offline.info
435 276 36.5% 21-Dec-96 22:50:46 +Online
3974 1024 74.2% 15-Dec-96 15:44:50 +Online.info
16220 8676 46.5% 15-Dec-96 12:19:02 +dfunc.library
1469 683 53.5% 21-Dec-96 22:53:20 +Readme.doc
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
29132 13584 53.3% 23-Dec-96 15:36:10 10 files